DUI Lawyers in Berks County, Pennsylvania
When you get a DUI in Berks County, you need a lawyer who can handle your case and will fight for the best result possible. You can hire an attorney from anywhere, but hiring a Berks County DUI attorney means you get an attorney who is familiar with the system in this county, and can deal with the specific prosecutor assigned to your case.
You will be prosecuted in the county where your crime allegedly was committed. If you get a DUI in Berks County, your prosecution will be handled by the Berks County District Attorney’s Office. Specifically, a Berks County Assistant District Attorney (an “ADA”) will be given your case-file and charged with the job of prosecuting you. This ADA will look through your criminal history, consider the affidavit of probable cause filed by the police officer explaining the arrest, and will use these facts to bring charges against you.
There are several steps to the DUI process.
The first step in the process is to attend a preliminary arraignment. This step is relatively simple. You will be ordered to be fingerprinted, and you will give certain “directory” information. Additionally, you will be told the conditions of your bail.
The second step is a preliminary hearing. This is the first step where decisions need to be made about how you will defend against your DUI. Should you:
- waive your right to a preliminary hearing in hopes of being accepted to a more lenient sentencing program?
- fight the charges starting at square one, hoping to eliminate evidence against you, or obtain a complete dismissal of all charges?
These are just a few of the questions you need to consider when determining whether to waive or hold a preliminary hearing. It is extremely important to have an attorney involved at this stage who can help set the strategy for what is to come.

Attorney Ready gives an interview to 69 News.
Next, your case will be sent to the Court of Common Pleas for a Formal Arraignment. After this, you will have the opportunity to file a writ of habeas corpus for dismissal of your charges, or for suppression of evidence gathered against you in violation of your constitutional rights. This step is extremely important, and it is subject to tight deadlines and important rules, so you should speak with an attorney immediately to determine whether the police violated your rights.
Finally, if the charges are not dismissed, you will need to go forward to trial. A trial will be held before a jury, or before a judge if you prefer. They will hear the evidence to decide your guilt or innocence, and render judgment.
In Conclusion
There are other options, of course. With an attorney involved, prosecutors are sometimes motivated to offer a plea agreement rather than go forward to trial. Facing the prospect of a tough series of hearings against a defense attorney, the Assistant District Attorney may wish to negotiate a better deal with you.
If you’re facing a DUI, please contact Cornerstone Law Firm immediately to speak with one of our attorneys. Call us today at 610-926-7875.