An empty classroom

My Student’s Discipline at School Was Excessive – What Should I Do?

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If your child is a K-12 student and has received discipline that you think is excessive, what options do you have? Can you sue the school or do anything to demand a lesser punishment? The answers to these questions depend on a few factors, but…
USPS mail carrier car

Attorney Crossett Represents Mail Carrier in Religious Liberty Case

At Cornerstone Law Firm, we believe the First Amendment defends each individual's right to live freely according to their deeply held conscience and faith. In a recent religious liberty case, Attorney David Crossett represented a Lancaster…
mail boxes

News Release: Christian Mail Carrier Discharged for Not Delivering Packages on Sunday Asks Federal Court for Judgment

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEFebruary 17, 2020For interview requests or questions, contact: Dan Bartkowiak717-657-4990, (LANCASTER, PA – February 17, 2020) On Friday, February 14, a United States Postal Service (USPS)…