A room being prepped for painting. There's a bucket of paint, some painters tape on the wall, a paint roller leaning against the wall, and a ladder.

When a Contractor Doesn’t Finish the Job

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Cornerstone Law Firm offered a legal tip to Redfin on how to handle things when a contractor doesn't finish a home renovation project. "If you find yourself in a situation where a contractor has not performed as agreed upon, you have legal…
Mountains at sunset

Opening an Estate in Schuylkill County

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When someone you love has passed away, you’re confronted with many difficult decisions, and an estate process that can feel very complicated. If the person that you love passed away while living in Schuylkill County, here are the first three…
An empty classroom

My Student’s Discipline at School Was Excessive – What Should I Do?

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If your child is a K-12 student and has received discipline that you think is excessive, what options do you have? Can you sue the school or do anything to demand a lesser punishment? The answers to these questions depend on a few factors, but…
People pointing at a chart in a business meeting
A sold sign.

Reading Real Estate Lawyer

When you need a lawyer in the Reading area who handles real estate there are a few things that you should consider. Berks County offers investors diverse real estate options that range from large farms to townhomes in downtown Reading. Here…
A person signing a document

Avoiding Probate in Estate Planning

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As we have discussed in other articles, probate is the process of an opening of an estate and transferring ownership of assets from a deceased individual to that person’s beneficiaries. Probate can be an expensive and time-consuming process,…
A person holding out a blank "Hello my name is..." tag

Changing your name in Pennsylvania

Under Pennsylvania law, you are free to request a change of your legal name to one of your choosing. You may petition the Court to permit a change to your first, middle or last name, or all of them. The process involves two major steps, but…
A set of scales

Three Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Try to Handle Your Criminal Charges on Your Own

When you’re facing a misdemeanor or felony charge, it’s extremely important for you to have a criminal defense attorney to handle your charges and lead you through the process. This is true whether you’re innocent or guilty. In this article,…
Someone signing an operating agreement

What Should go in Your LLC’s Operating Agreement

Limited liability companies in Pennsylvania are organized by filing with the department of state. But the most important document that an LLC’s owners sign is the operating agreement. The operating agreement serves the same function that bylaws…
Flashing lights on a police car

Is a cop's word enough to convict me?

A common question posed to our Criminal Defense attorneys is whether the police need physical evidence, including fingerprints, DNA or videos, to convict a defendant for a crime. The short answer is no, the police can convict you with nothing…