My Case is Easy: Do I need a Lawyer?

Columns of a courthouse

Shouldn’t law just be common sense? We hear this question all the time. If your case is easy and straightforward, do you still need a lawyer? The answer is yes. If you are going to court, you should have a lawyer by your side. But what if your case is easy? What if it’s open and shut?

Lawyers do more than “win hard cases,” or explain things that are complicated. A lawyer can help you understand the past cases that have been decided about your issue and can review the laws that the legislature has passed regarding your situation. A lawyer can also help you gather and organize the evidence that you have to make sure it is presented in a clear way.

Furthermore, the rules of evidence that govern what a judge or jury is allowed to even hear about are complex, and you need to be prepared to make sure you “get your evidence in” when you are at court.

The most important thing that lawyers do for you is to help you understand the type of judge that will be deciding your case. If your case is a jury trial, a lawyer will also have experience in knowing how juries make decisions. Although the case may seem simple to you, you may be surprised at how the other side paints it as more complicated or confusing. Having a good lawyer means having someone who can keep the case simple and explain it to the decision makers in your case.

Having a good lawyer also means having someone on your side who can show you the weaknesses in your case. No case is ever really easy—and it’s important to understand all the things that can go wrong as you proceed.

If you’re going to court, as either a plaintiff or a defendant, call Cornerstone Law Firm today to talk to one of the attorneys about how we can help you to present your case.