Bicycle Accidents in Pennsylvania

A blue bicycle road sign

Sharing the road can be a challenge, especially as a bicyclist surrounded by impatient and distracted drivers. If you are injured in a bicycle accident in Pennsylvania, you may be entitled to compensation. It’s vital to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney, like the ones at Cornerstone Law Firm, quickly after your accident. For help with your bicycle accident, call Cornerstone Law Firm to schedule a free personal injury consultation.

What to do After a Bike Accident

If you’ve been in a bicycle accident, there are important steps you should follow to help ensure you gather all of the information you need to file an injury claim. Immediately after an accident, get off of the road and call for medical assistance. If you’ve sustained injuries, it’s important to have those treated as soon as possible.

You should also report your accident to the police right away by calling 911. They can start a police report and conduct an investigation at the scene of the accident. If you are able to, take pictures of the scene. Take pictures of any cars involved, their drivers, and their license plates. Take pictures of the location of the accident. And take pictures of your bicycle, any other equipment involved, and your injuries. Documenting the accident can help you build a case for your compensation.

If a motorist is involved, they should stay at the scene of the crash until the police come. It’s important for you to collect a name and insurance information from the driver. If anyone witnesses the crash, collect contact information from them as well. Contact a personal injury attorney, like the ones at Cornerstone Law Firm, to discuss your options. You may also need to alert your car insurance, even if you were on a bicycle.

Common Causes of Bicycle Accidents

Bicycle accidents can be caused by a variety of things. Some of the most common reasons that bicyclists get into accidents with motor vehicles include:

  • Traffic law violations
  • Speeding
  • Unsafe lane changing
  • Weaving through traffic
  • Bad weather / poor lighting
  • Drivers failing to use turn signals
  • Distracted or impaired driving

In addition to accidents with motor vehicles, cyclists can have accidents for other reasons. Sometimes bicycles are faulty due to manufacturer error. There may be broken brakes, pedals, handlebars, or seats. The wheels may not be attached correctly, or they may be underinflated. Sometimes the accident is caused by environmental factors, like poorly maintained roads or parks. Perhaps a large pothole caused the accident, or a crack in a sidewalk. The cause of your accident can help you determine who is at fault and who is liable for compensating you for your injuries.

Bicycle Accident Liability in Pennsylvania

A black bicycle leaning against a white wallPennsylvania is one of a handful of states that allows for both fault and no-fault insurance. Depending on your individual case, you may be able to recover compensation from the party at fault, but the amount may lower if it is decided that you share some of the blame for the accident. You may be able to recover costs for medical expenses, lost income, pain and suffering, and property damage.

For drivers to be held liable, you must have sufficient proof that they have acted negligently. Negligence in driving can look like running stop signs or red lights, failing to check for bicycles before turning or merging, breaking traffic laws, or other careless acts. If their negligence has caused your injury, they can be held liable for it.

Common Bicycle Accident Injuries

Injuries caused by bike accidents can vary. Some of the most common types of physical injuries include:

  • Fractures and sprains
  • Lacerations
  • Road rash
  • Facial and dental damage
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Paralysis
  • Wrongful death

You may also suffer from psychological injuries as a result of your bike accident like anxiety, depression, and PTSD. If you seek psychological treatment for these as a result of your accident, you may be entitled to further compensation. Call the personal injury attorneys at Cornerstone Law Firm for a free consultation today.

Bike Accident Damages

It’s never easy to predict the amount of compensation you will receive from a personal injury case. Total amounts vary on a case-by-case basis because the specific case details vary. Some factors that can impact the total amount include the type of injury or injuries you’ve sustained, property damage, and time you missed work to recover from your injury. All of these fall under the category of “special damages” and they have clear economic values attached to them. You may also be eligible for what’s known as “general damages” if you’ve experienced emotional distress, pain, suffering or other subjective losses as a result of your accident.

Call Cornerstone Law Firm for help.

If you or your loved one have been injured in a bicycle accident, it’s important to seek legal representation. You may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. An experienced personal injury attorney can negotiate with insurance companies, contact other parties involved, and fight for your legal rights. At Cornerstone Law Firm, we offer free consultations for personal injuries. Call us to discuss your bicycle injury case.