What is Dram Shop Liability?
Car Accident, Personal Injury, Wrongful DeathWhen you’ve been injured by a driver who drank and drove, it’s not just the driver who is liable. In some cases, the bar that served a driver too much alcohol before turning them loose on the roads is also liable for your injuries. This…

The Right of Sepulchre
Estate Administration, Wills & Estates, Wrongful DeathWhen a loved one passes away, there can be disputes regarding how to treat and dispose of the body. Ideally, the decedent would have included clear funeral instructions in his or her last will and testament. In some cases, those wishes might…

Wrongful Death in Reading, Pennsylvania
Wrongful DeathWhen a loved one passes away because of someone else’s negligence, it can be very hard to decide what to do next. Nothing can ever replace the individual that you’ve lost in your life, but you are entitled to compensation for the enormous…