What Do I Do with the Will When A Loved One Passes Away?
Estate Administration, Probate, Wills & Estates
When you experience a death in the family, the details of wrapping up the loved one’s legal affairs can seem overwhelming. One of the first questions that many people ask after the death of a loved one is, “What do I do with the Will?”

What is Probate?
Estate Administration, Probate
When a loved one passes away, the details can be overwhelming. Those left behind are suddenly confronted with a myriad of strange vocabulary to learn and figure out what to do with. One common word that you’ll begin hearing is “Probate.”…

What do I do if I’m an Executor? An overview of Estate Administration
Estate AdministrationWhen a loved one passes away what are the responsibilities that you have as the next of kin in regards to estate administration? In this post, I want to take the opportunity to give you an overview of the process, and to help you prepare for…