Someone handing someone else car accident medical bills

Do My Medical Bills Get Put on Hold While I Pursue a Personal Injury Claim?

When you are injured in a car accident, a common question that you may confront is what to do about your mounting medical bills. Some people have medical insurance that covers their medical bills, and they are less concerned with this problem.…
a pile of police reports

How Do I Get the Police Report After a Car Accident?

When you’ve been in a car accident that causes you an injury or property damage, you may want to view the police report that was filled out at the scene of the crash by the responding police officer. Depending on whether it was a local police…
Faded black and white photo of Cornerstone's front exterior, along with the Cornerstone Law Firm logo and the words "January 2021 Recap"

January 2021 Update

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Attorney David Crossett has continued working through personal injury claims for car accident victims in Reading, Pennsylvania this month. Speaking of clients who are concerned about whether their car insurance was sufficient during a car accident,…
A motorcycle and helmet

Motorcycle Injury: What to Do When You Have Been Injured in Berks County, Pennsylvania

When you have been injured in a motorcycle crash, the injuries can be catastrophic. Every serious rider knows that no matter how safe you are, and no matter carefully you abide by the rules of the road and accepted safety practices, the risk…
Someone driving

What is the Common Fund Doctrine?

The “common fund doctrine” is an important equitable rule of law that personal injury attorneys employ to maximize an injured person’s overall recovery. When you have been injured in a car accident, a truck crash, or some other motor…
A highway at sunset

Injured on 222? We Can Help.

Pennsylvania Route 222, which runs through the heart of Berks County, is becoming not only the busiest but also the most dangerous road in the area. 222 has long been a source of economic growth to Berks County and to Reading, but in recent…
Someone driving a car at sunset

I Missed Work Because of My Car Accident: Does Somebody Have to Pay for That?

After you’ve been in a car accident, there are a lot of details to figure out. In addition to payment for medical bills, surgeries, rehab and so many other things, many victims of injuries find themselves asking, “Who’s going to pay…
A close up of rain on a window with cars blurred in the background

Who’s going to pay for my car?!

When you’ve been in a car crash and your car is totaled, one of the first and most frustrating lessons that you learn is that car insurance companies do not put as high a value on your car as you do. Cars, trucks, motorcycles, and our other…
Someone driving in the rain

Three Things to do after a Berks County Car Accident

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If you've been in a car accident in Berks County, Pennsylvania, there are three things you should consider doing right away. In this video, Attorney David Crossett breaks down immediate steps you should take. If…