A person's hand holding a phone showing a 5 star review

The Right to Reputation in Pennsylvania

In the Pennsylvania Constitution, the right to reputation is listed among other rights like life, liberty, possession of property, and the pursuit of happiness. While the exact reason for including this right is unknown, it is clear that the…
A bill that's past due sitting on top of a paper about bankruptcy

Do I have too much debt to file for bankruptcy?

You don’t have too much debt for bankruptcy! There is no such thing as having “too much debt” to file for bankruptcy. Sometimes, individuals believe their debt problems are too severe to get bankruptcy relief from the federal courts.…
An empty moving box with a roll of packing tape and a pair of scissors next to it.

Relocating your kids when you have a custody order

Moving your kids when you have a custody order is about as painful as custody was in the first place. Whether you are a parent with primary custody, partial custody, or joint custody, you know that living with custody orders means living with…
Two black dogs sitting by a creek on a sunny day

Updated Dog Law in Pennsylvania

On October 23, 2023, Gov. Josh Shapiro signed into law Senate Bill 746, which increases penalties for dog owners with dogs that have attacked people or other animals. The stated purpose of this bill is to: improve public safety, improve…
A bar with green barstools in front and several rows of alcohol in the back

What is Dram Shop Liability?

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When you’ve been injured by a driver who drank and drove, it’s not just the driver who is liable. In some cases, the bar that served a driver too much alcohol before turning them loose on the roads is also liable for your injuries. This…
Close up of a dictionary definition for "Justice of the peace"

Common Legal Terms

Almost every field comes with its own set of jargon that really only makes sense to the people in that field. The law is certainly no exception. We’d like to demystify some of that jargon. Below is a list of 50 common legal terms you might…
A photo of a neon coffee cup sign hanging in a window.

Franchising v. Licensing: An Entrepreneur’s Dilemma

For those wishing to start a business and work for themselves, there are a number of perplexing decisions that have to be made right up front. One of the most important decisions that you will have to face is whether to license a product, service…
The inside of a home's front room. There is a staircase and a set of doors with nice windows.

Foreclosure and Rent-to-Own Agreements

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Rent-to-Own Agreements have become more popular in Pennsylvania in the last several years as an alternative method of financing for buyers who are unable to get traditional mortgages. Sellers sometimes offer these agreements as a way to obtain…
Close up on of a gavel resting on a sound block while a judge signs papers in the background.

Appealing a Custody Order

What do you do when a judge gets the custody decision wrong? How can you appeal a bad decision that is going to hurt your children or your family? Under Pennsylvania law there are typically two types of appeals that you take from custody orders. Two…
A photo of a band playing in front of a large crowd. There are bright stage lights and fog in the air.

Making Your Band into a Brand: Does Your Band Need an LLC?

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While it’s not strictly necessary, an LLC can help your band. Whether you’re rocking out with your audience in a packed concert or recording a new song in a quiet studio, there are certain risks and responsibilities your band may encounter.…
A woman signing a financial document

Do I have to list all my creditors when I file for bankruptcy?

When filing for bankruptcy, a consumer is required to list all their creditors in their bankruptcy petition and schedules. This includes creditors for secured debts, such as a mortgage or car loan, and unsecured debts, such as credit card debt…
A close up of a one dollar bill

Can filing for bankruptcy disrupt my social security benefits?

Because of bankruptcy’s reputation, it’s normal to have questions about filing. When it comes to your social security benefits, you don’t have to worry. Individuals who file for bankruptcy are typically able to keep their social security…